Logistics Engineering

Logistics Engineering encompasses the technical effort and skills employed to define, prepare for, and assess support solutions for an equipment system throughout its life cycle. L2 Defense’s logistics engineering capabilities combine traditional integrated logistics support (ILS) processes with robust mechanical/electrical engineering principles to provide customers with sophisticated and customized equipment support solutions.

The L2 Defense logistics engineering team specializes in the understanding, translation, and application of U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) acquisition logistics processes.  Through years of college education, professional training, programmatic experience, and military service, our team is intimately familiar with the DoD logistics terminology, software tools, and specifications used in the conduct of DoD logistics programs and projects.  Living the rigorous DoD logistics processes for decades has prepared us well for the range of logistics needs presented by our clients.


Logistics Engineering

DoD Acquisition Logistics and Integrated Product Support


CBRN Defense Operations, Threat Assessment, and Equipment Systems


Emergency Preparedness, Incident Response, and Disaster Recovery


Integrated Logistics
Support (ILS)

DoD Acquisition Logistics and Integrated Product Support

& Exercise Support

CBRN Defense Operations, Threat Assessment, and Equipment Systems

Systems Engineering

Acquisition Program Support
and Expertise

Technical Assistance & Consulting

Emergency Preparedness, Incident Response, and Disaster Recovery