L2 Defense was recently awarded a contract to support Guardian Response 2021 (GR21), a National Level Military Exercise. The exercise involves the military assets and personnel who are specially trained and equipped to respond to and assist in their Defense Support of Civilian Authorities (DSCA) mission in North America. Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Army active duty and Air Force personnel from around the country came to southern Indiana to exercise and validate their ability to respond to an incident involving a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear or Explosive (CBRNE) attack.
L2 Defense’s Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) deployed to the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center (MUTC) in Butlerville, Indiana for the 2021 Guardian Response Exercise from April 9th until May 6th 2021. This exercise involves more than 5000 military personnel who are simulating that they have been deployed to assist at a major man-made disaster. Our team of experienced SME’s have been involved in the planning and scenario writing phases of the exercise for the past year culminating in the execution phase lasting 21 days with 10 days of 24-hour operations.

“With last years Guardian Response exercise cancelled due to COVID, our team was eager and honored to be able to support this year’s exercise. Our outstanding team of experts came together to ensure that this annual exercise was executed at the highest standards possible to ensure that the military units who are on mission are ready to respond to threats to our homeland,” says Richard Murphy, L2 Defense’s COO. “This exercise is a testament to L2’s focus on supporting our military and first responder communities.”

Over 140 L2 Defense SME’s worked with various military units to Teach / Coach / Mentor in the following areas of expertise: Brigade / Battalion Staff Liaison, Urban Search and Rescue, HazMat Reconnaissance and Surveillance, Mass Casualty Decontamination and Medical Care (Triage, Treatment and Transport), Incident Command System, Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT), and Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team (DMORT). Finally, In an effort to make the training as realistic as possible our team also coordinated and managed 200 Role Players who were trained, moulaged and dressed to act as if they were civilians who were in the impacted area Managers who provided 200 Displaced Civilian role players around the clock each day.

**Special thanks to Steve McInerny, Tim O’Bryant and Roy Wojtak for the great photos.